The Mediterranean, Genova, Italy, Photography by Liu Yue
- “扩张、合纵与连横:聚焦菲律宾的南海新策(下)”(Expansion, vertical and horizontal alignment: Focusing on the Philippines’ new approach to the South China Sea (Part II)),澎湃新闻/The Paper,August 1, 2024.
- “扩张、合纵与连横:聚焦菲律宾的南海新策(上)”( Expansion, vertical and horizontal alignment: Focusing on the Philippines’ new approach to the South China Sea (Part I)),澎湃新闻/The Paper,July 31, 2024.
- “菲律賓加速靠向美日澳”(The Philippines accelerates steps to align with America, Japan and Australia),台湾中国时报-中时新闻网/China Times (Taiwan), July 21, 2024.
- “欧洲都快‘崩’了,瑞士人咋还不能放弃滑雪?” (Why can’t the Swiss give up skiing during the pandemic?). 新华社瞭望智库/Liaowang Think Tank – Xinhua News Agency, 9 May, 2021.
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- “美国航母再进南海,这次想要‘拿’到什么?” (US carrier enters the South China Sea again: what is it looking for this time?). 新华社瞭望智库/Liaowang Think Tank – Xinhua News Agency, 27 January, 2021.
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- “有人要刺杀梅姨?英国首相最近摊上500亿的事儿了!” (Brexit: the 50bn divorce bill never means a trade deal). 新华社瞭望智库/ Liaowang Think Tank – Xinhua News Agency, 8 December, 2017.
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- “暴恐事件频发,欧洲如何唱响《欢乐颂》?” (How could Europe sing the Ode to Joy in massive terrorist attacks?). 环球时报-环球网/, 23 December 2016.
- “另一位撒切尔夫人?看‘新铁娘子’特蕾莎·梅如何掌舵英国” (How could Theresa May take over the helm of UK?). 《世界博览》/World Vision Journal, 2016. NO.21. pp.22-25.
- “‘脱欧’或使苏格兰再度寻求独立” (Brexit might encourage Scotland to seek independence again). 环球时报-环球网/, 18 October 2016.
- “‘脱欧’议题将成特蕾莎·梅执政时期重要考验” (Brexit will be an intractable challenge for Theresa May in her governing period). 环球时报-环球网/, 8 October 2016.
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- “南海仲裁漏洞百出,无法应对复杂局势” (The South China Sea Arbitration contains numerous flaws, can’t deal with complex situation). 中国国际广播网-国际在线/, 13 July 2016.
- “菲律宾真的‘打赢官司’了吗”(Is the Philippines “winner” of the arbitration?). 环球时报-环球网/, 13 July 2016.
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