Photography by Liu Yue, Edinburgh
- “菲律宾政坛贪腐怪圈何时止?” (When could political oddities in the Philippines end?),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 23, 2011, A07.
- “美屯兵澳洲, ‘空海一体战’又一局?”( US deployment in Australia: another “Air-Sea Battle”?),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 21, 2011, A17.
- “伊核问题升温 美以会否动手” (Iran nuclear issue escalates, will the US and Israel take actions?),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily,November 9, 2011, A04.
- “招玉芳分别会见英国阿根廷新任驻穗总领事” (Zhao Yufang met with the new British and Argentine Consul Generals in Guangzhou),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 25, 2011, A09.
- “‘侨批档案’今在广州推介” (Today in Canton the Overseas Chinese remittance archives are being promoted),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, December 8, 2011, A15.
- “广东公车改革:货币化成主要模式” (Public transports reform in Guangdong: monetization is the main route),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 11, 2011, A04.
- “省光彩事业本月迎10年华诞” (This month Guangdong’s Guangcai Project celebrates its 10th anniversary),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 22, 2011, A07.
- “‘国考’笔试以德为先 粤8万考生争1.8万职位” (The written test of the National Civil Service Exam puts morality first, with 80,000 candidates in Guangdong competing for 18,000 positions),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily, November 28, 2011.
- “叩问: 孩子“听话”就是好吗?” (Question: Is it good for a child to be “obedient”?),《南方日报》/Nanfang Daily,November 15, 2011, A107.